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Frequently Asked Questions

• Who is Marsh Sport?

Marsh Sport is a specialist division of Marsh Ltd with dedicated teams across the UK offering insurance broking and risk management advice to the world of sport.

Our clients' activities extend across the world of sport from the largest professional organisations in the UK, including some of the best known names, right through to grassroots level.

• Who is Sportscover?

Sportscover is one of the world's leading sports insurance underwriters, with an accredited broker network stretching across the globe and dealing in accident, liability, property and contingency insurances for sport.

Led by Peter Nash, Chairman, Sportscover was established initially, in Australia in 1986, when a small group of active sports people in the insurance industry became frustrated by the lack of quality insurance for active sporting participants including players, administrators, Coaches and Officials. Sportscover has been trading in Europe since 1999 and has developed into a world renowned specialist that boasts more than a million clients spanning a diverse range of sporting activities. Our services include risk management, marketing support, information and educational services as well as exceptional customer service and an unrivalled knowledge and expertise in sports and leisure insurance.

• Confirmation of Categories

Category 1 - Lowland Leader / Hill & Moorland Leader / Climbing Wall Instructor / Climbing Wall Development Instructor

Category 2 - Rock Climbing Instructor / Mountain Leader Summer

Category 3 - International Mountain Leader / Winter Mountain Leader/Rock Climbing Development Instructor/ Multi Pitch Award - Eire only

Category 4 – Mountaineering & Climbing Instructor/ Winter Mountaineering & Climbing Instructor

• What Insurance cover can be provided to Instructors via this new scheme?

The policies on offer provide cover for activities delivered within the scope of your Mountain Training qualification(s).

There are four cover options (Categories) available to meet the needs of members, including when using a trading name or trading as a Limited Company.

The premium is based on turnover and the work being done.

You need to ensure you are working within remit of your qualifications.

The following liability covers are provided

  • Public & Products Liability £5m Limit - provides protection against legal liability for bodily injury to third parties and damage to third party property. Products liability insurance provides protection against legal liability to pay compensation including legal costs for death or bodily injury, or damage to third party property arising from products supplied.
  • Professional Indemnity £5m Limit - for claims made against you which allege that a third party has suffered an injury or financial loss caused by your negligent acts, errors or omissions during coaching/instructor activities. Includes cover for technical advice such as being an expert witness and acting as an AALA Inspector
  • Libel and Slander £5m Limit - covers losses arising in the event of you accidentally libeling/slandering a person or organisation through publication (oral or written).
  • Employers' Liability £10m Limit (if purchased in addition to the above covers) - legal liability following death or bodily injury to employees in the course of their employment with you. Cover includes volunteers carrying out tasks on your behalf. Employers Liability Insurance can be added for those who employ the service of others, such as Trainee Mountaineering Instructors.
  • Legal Defence Cover - the policy includes the legal costs and expenses incurred in connection with any claim made against you which may be the subject of an indemnity under this policy, both in respect of the claimant’s costs and expenses and your own in defending the claim. These costs are incurred with the insurer’s prior consent.
  • Personal Accident up to £25,000 (if purchased in addition to the above covers) - provides lump sum benefits in the event of Accidental Death, Permanent Total Disability, Medical Expenses, Emergency Dental expenses, Broken Bones and Physiotherapy plus many more benefits. This does not negate the need to travel insurance.

• When can I take out an insurance policy?

You can purchase a policy from whichever date you request, the policy will run for 12 months from the start date of the policy. Please note the quotation given is only valid for 30 days.

• Are there any excesses on the policy?

There are no excesses against the Liability covers.

A £50 excess applies to the medical expenses benefit under the Personal Accident Policy if you have purchased this additional cover.

• I currently hold coaching scheme qualifications; can I purchase insurance cover under this scheme?

Cover can be purchased for working as a coach, you need to hold one of the Mountain Training coaching scheme qualifications, and you need to be working within the remit of the technical climbing qualification held, or equivalent.

• I am an International Mountain Leader (IML), am I covered to work outside the EU?

Yes, by selecting IML and Category 3 you will automatically extend coverage to Worldwide (excluding the USA & Canada), the worldwide cover is only relation to your IML activities. Please ensure FCO advice is followed at all times when travelling. Please note that by purchasing insurance cover it does not imply that you have the right to work abroad. It is the responsibility of the individual policy holder to ensure that they are working legally, which is a condition of the Insurance cover.

• I work as a Mountaineering & Climbing Instructor (MCI) and Winter Mountaineering & Climbing Instructor (WMCI) outside the EU, which category do I select?

Select Category 4, this will extend cover to Worldwide excluding the USA & Canada, the worldwide cover is only in relation to your MCI and WMCI activities. Please ensure FCO advice is followed at all times when travelling. Please note that by purchasing insurance cover it does not imply that you have the right to work abroad. It is the responsibility of the individual policy holder to ensure that they are working legally, which is a condition of the Insurance cover.

• I carry out Additional Activities outside of the scope of my Mountain Training qualification(s). Am I covered?

Insurance under Category 4 includes, at no extra premium, cover for Coasteering, Gorge Walking and Ghyll Scrambling, provided these activities only make up to 20% of your turnover.

Cover is only provided for activities within the scope of your Mountain Training qualification(s) held unless you select any of the ‘Additional Activities’ cover on offer..

Cover can be extended, for an additional premium, for delivering First Aid Courses, Mountain and Fell Running and Route Setting.

Insurance under Categories 2 and 3 can, for an additional premium, cover for Coasteering, Gorge Walking and Ghyll Scrambling can be added, as long as these activities only make up 20% of your turnover.

Cover for Coasteering, Gorge Walking, Ghyll Scrambling and Caving & Mine Exploration is not available to those taking Category 1 insurance.

Cover for Caving & Mine Exploration, for an additional premium, is available to all categories of Instructors who hold British Caving Association awards.

• I generate more than 20% of my annual turnover from the additional activities, what should I do to purchase insurance cover?

Please contact Marsh Sport
Republic of Ireland:   +353 (01) 636 2768
email   stephen.harris2@marsh.com or   keith.heffernan@marsh.com
United Kingdom:  44 (0) 345 872 5060
email   marshsport@marsh.com
they will then refer your enquiry to the Insurer – Sportscover.

• I am an AMI Member; can I be covered to carry out work as an AALA Inspector?

Yes, this scheme can provide Public Liability and importantly Professional Indemnity cover for such work if you hold either Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor or Winter Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor.

• Am I insured if I instruct Mountain Biking activities?

No, you need to purchase appropriate cover for this activity, you may be able to obtain this via British Cycling or Mountain Bike Instructors Award Scheme.

• I want to hire a venue for work with a group, if one of my group participants damages the venue and I am subsequently sued am I insured?

Yes, the Public Liability section of cover will respond to such claims, subject to the policy terms & conditions.

• I work as a sole trader using a trading name. Am I covered?

Yes, you are insured for using a trading name. Please note Limited companies would also be covered under this scheme. The Maximum Turnover threshold is £150,000 per annum.

• How is Employers’ Liability different to Public Liability?

Employers’ Liability protects the employer in the event of an injury to an employee, for which the employer is liable. Employers’ Liability could apply to Instructors who employ the services of others, to work on their behalf.

Public Liability protects the Instructor if a third party is injured and makes a claim against them for damages.

• Can I purchase Employers’ Liability if I am acting as a Mentor and engaging the services of Trainees?

Yes, this is an additional cover at quote stage. Employers’ Liability cover is provided with a £10m Limit of Indemnity.

• Why do I need Public Liability with a £5,000,000 limit of indemnity?

In the event of a claim your limit of indemnity is the maximum your policy will pay. Court awards are increasing and, because of this, our advice would be to have a minimum of £5,000,000 indemnity on your policy.

• What is meant by a ‘Claims Occurring’ policy?

Public & Products Liability purchased via this scheme is provided on a 'Claims Occurring' basis meaning incidents occurring during the period of insurance are insured regardless of when the claim is made by the claimant. This means that even if a policy is lapsed at a later date a claim can still be notified under the policy that was in existence at the time the incident occurred.

Please ensure you keep a record of your previous Insurance policies.

• What is meant by a 'Claims Made' policy?

Your previous Public Liability cover via earlier scheme may have been provided on a 'Claims Made' basis. With this type of wording there has to be a policy in force at the time when the claim is made.

Once the policy is cancelled, no cover will be provided for claims that are notified after the date the insurance policy ceases. It is therefore important to ensure if you move from a claims made wording to a claims occurred that the Broker / Insurer provides retroactive cover to provide insurance for the period of time you had a claims made policy in force. For more advice if needed please call Marsh Sport on   44 (0) 345 872 5060

• Do I need Professional Indemnity?

Yes, Professional Indemnity provides cover for negligent advice. If you are leading, instructing and/or coaching, technical advice for example, you would need this insurance cover. This scheme automatically provides this important cover up to a limit of £5m.

• Why do I need Libel and Slander?

Issues can arise from comments innocently made in publications, on your websites, at meetings, or within emails written, which could potentially be defamatory. It’s advised that you don’t make speculative comments regarding third parties, which are contentious and/or unsubstantiated.

• Am I insured if a member of the public were injured as a result of my activities?

Yes, as long as the activity is within the remit of your qualification, a claim of this nature made against you would be dealt with under your Public Liability Insurance.

• How will I receive my certificate of Insurance?

Your Insurance documents will be emailed to you after purchasing the cover online. Please do retain copies.

• How do I obtain help with risk assessments?

Information can be found on the HSE website –


It is so important that risk assessments are undertaken prior to carrying out any new activity, please do record and keep copies

• Does the policy cover anyone who is not a UK resident?

No, this scheme can only provide Insurance to UK & Eire residents. UK includes England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Territorial waters.

• If I am a UK resident am I able to work Eire?


• If I am resident in Eire am I able to work in the UK?


• I become ill, can someone stand in and instruct for me?

Any person standing in for you must have an insurance in place in their own name to protect them against claims for negligence while providing coaching and tuition

• If I am injured, can I claim?

If you have purchased the Personal Accident cover, you may be able to claim a benefit for your injury.

Please refer to the Personal Accident section of this website to see how to make a claim.

• Does the Insurance policy provide cover anywhere in the world?

We cannot provide insurance cover for any work undertaken in the USA and Canada.

When selecting which category you need to purchase please ensure you check the geographical limits as to where cover will operate, you must ensure the category of cover meets your needs.

• If I arrange trips and accommodation for my groups, am I insured?

No, this policy does not provide cover for you acting as a Tour Operator.

• Am I insured to host social events?

Yes, although hazardous events such as bonfires and firework displays or the use of inflatables/bouncy castles are not insured.

• If an incident occurs what do I need to do?

Please report the incident as soon as possible via email:   claims.mountaineering@sportscover.com.

Do not appoint your own legal counsel, and do not admit fault or liability without the written consent of the Insurer.

If you receive a solicitors letter regarding an incident please contact Marsh Sport immediately on
Republic of Ireland:   01-2026051 or 01-2026041
United Kingdom:   44 (0) 345 872 5060

• What should I do if I need to make a change to my policy?

Please call Marsh Sport on
Republic of Ireland:   01-2026051 or 01-2026041
United Kingdom:   44 (0) 345 872 5060

• What will happen next year when I need to renew my policy?

You will receive an email in advance of your renewal date, with instructions on how to renew online.

• If I need to cancel my Insurance policy who should I contact?

Please send an email to
Republic of Ireland:   keith.heffernan@marsh.com or   stephen.harris2@marsh.com
United Kingdom:   marshsport@marsh.com
with your full contact details and policy number stated clearly, and we will be in touch.

• As an MCI Holder am I insured to operate as a technical advisor/expert?

Yes, an MCI holder is covered to work through the insurance scheme on artificial structures as a technical expert/competent person and provide consultancy service to companies, including delivering rope course rescue training.

As is the case with any technical expert/competent advisor providing advice in matters of safety, it is expected that they have considerable relevant experience and therefore expertise in the specific field they are providing advice within.

• As an MCI Holder am I insured to instruct as a rope rescue instructor accredited by Rescue 3 International?

Yes, an MCI holder is covered to deliver rope course rescue training.

• Does the Insurance cover me to provide consultancy advice to a company delivering technical rope rescue training?

Yes, an MCI holder is covered to provide consultancy as a technical expert.

• Do I still need insurance when I retire or stop instructing?

As part of the insurance policies we offer, you will receive 12 months run off coverage to provide protection for any incidents that are reported from the end date of your policy.

As an instructor/leader/guide, there are circumstances where you could provide advice and is covered under your Professional Indemnity insurance. As Professional Indemnity insurance is provided on a Claims Made basis, this means that a claim needs to be made during the period of insurance. To cover you for any claims made within the first 12 months of the expiry of your policy we have included the run off coverage.

If you would require a longer run off period, you can continue to purchase the insurance coverage to provide further protection.

• Am I insured for undertaking high ropes course work?

Yes as long as you are working within the remit of your qualification. Working on/with artificial structures such as climbing walls and high ropes courses is insured under the AMI & BAIML scheme.

• What is the Operative time of the Policy?

The Operative time is whilst playing, practicing or training for the activity noted in the schedule, cover is also included travelling to or from any such venue for the purpose of the activity.

Please note, if your turnover percentage for the activity of Mountain/Fell Running exceeds 20% of the overall total this product is not suitable and you would need to seek an alternative product.


If you have any further questions please contact a member of the Marsh Sports team on
United Kingdom:   44 (0) 345 872 5060